Welcome Home: Guide to Participating in Composable’s Ethereum IBC Testnet

Composable Foundation
Interchain Ecosystem Blog
2 min readOct 4, 2023


Welcome Home. As part of our ongoing efforts to redefine blockchain interoperability, Composable is thrilled to announce our Ethereum IBC Testnet is officially live. app.trustless.zone/ethereum. This testnet serves as a crucial milestone before our mainnet launch, allowing us to validate the system’s stability and security. This guide aims to provide you with a straightforward way to participate and support us in bringing into mainnet production.

How to Get Started

To dive into the testnet, you’ll need to visit Trustless.Zone. Make sure you have a MetaMask wallet for Ethereum and a Keplr wallet for Cosmos.

What You Can Do on the Testnet

The testnet allows you to transfer Picasso’s native token, PICA, between Ethereum, Cosmos. This is the first opportunity to explore the capabilities of trust-minimized cross-ecosystem transfers between Ethereum and Cosmos via an IBC connection.

How to Get Testnet Tokens

  1. Create a Cosmos wallet using Keplr
  2. To obtain testnet PICA, join the Composable Discord and navigate to the Testnet Faucet channel. Enter the command $request “Your composable cosmos address” and send.

How to Execute Cross-Ecosystem Transfers with Your Testnet Assets

Bridging assets on the Ethereum IBC testnet is a simple process:

  1. Go to Trustless Zone
  2. Connect your wallet (MetaMask and Cosmos wallets are supported)
  3. Select the desired network and token for both the source and destination chains
  4. Review the transfer details
  5. Execute the transfer
  6. Provide Feedback
  7. Share your experience

What’s Coming Next

As we approach the release of our Ethereum IBC mainnet, we’re eager to involve our community and collaborators in ensuring a robust and secure cross-ecosystem connection. Keep an eye out for our ambassador program, as there will be exciting testnet incentives and opportunities you won’t want to miss.

By participating in Composable’s Ethereum IBC Testnet, you’re taking an active role in shaping the future of blockchain interoperability. Your involvement helps us move closer to a more secure, decentralized future for all blockchain ecosystems. Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being a part of this transformative journey.


