LotionJS Beta Release

To program a blockchain in JavaScript, just apply Lotion.
Key Features
- Spin up blockchain applications in JavaScript.
- Under the hood, Lotion runs on top of Tendermint Proof-of-Stake consensus and networking protocols so you only need to worry about writing the application logic.
- Composable, middleware-oriented module design.
- Complex peer-to-peer networking handled for you (by Tendermint).
- Fast: scales effortlessly to hundreds of transactions per second (thanks to Proof-of-Stake).
- Rich module ecosystem, just an
npm install
away. - Pure JavaScript light clients.
- CLI for quick application scaffolding and deployment.
- Automatic node discovery through the BitTorrent DHT and multicast DNS.
- Single-command installation.
- Easy to learn, especially for those just being introduced to blockchain development.
- Interoperable with other applications on the Cosmos Network through IBC.
- Plain-old-JavaScript-object interface to blockchain state.
- Minimalist state querying syntax with efficient Merkle proofs.
To expound on the last point, the state querying syntax is one of the bigger points worth illustrating on the client.
The developer just has to write:
let { connect } = require('lotion')
let { state,send } = await connect(GCI)let myData = await state.some.key.path
…and myData will contain a snapshot of that part of the state. Under the hood, it’s verifying a Merkle proof of just that arbitrary subtree of the state. It will be fast no matter how big the blockchain state is. Very notably, this light client experience is something that no other blockchain project has implemented to date.