ICF Update — Oct 20th
19 Cosmos GitHub Org Teams; Hackathon Underway; Chorus One, IBC & CosmWasm; Stargate, Big Bang & Cosmos SDK Release Candidate; Bug Bounty Rewards Doubled

Welcome to the fourth edition of our bi-weekly update! We’ll be using this space to highlight some of the exciting activities that took place at the Interchain Foundation over the last two weeks. This will include some check-in meetings that occurred with various funding recipients, as well as goings-on that members of the Interchain ecosystem might find interesting and informative.
If any of the updates are especially relevant to what you are working on feel free to drop us a line at hello@interchain.io.
If you missed the last update, check it out at ICF Update — Oct 6.
19 Cosmos Org GitHub Teams
Earlier this year All in Bits (dba Tendermint Inc) transferred ownership of the Cosmos github organization to the ICF. Since there are so many different contributors at this point it made more sense to coordinate permissions from the ICF level. A proposal to utilize github teams was created in order to make sure everyone had the proper access to the code they contribute to and after being agreed upon by all stakeholders it has finally been implemented. There are now 19 teams within the Cosmos org who contribute to or maintain various repositories. These include Agoric, Akash, All in Bits, Althea, Chainapsis, ChainSafe, Confio, Fission, Informal, Interchain, Iqlusion, Iris, Lunie, Promise, Regen, Sikka, SnowFork, Vitwit and Zondax. We look forward to leveraging the collaborative tools we have to share responsibilities across a distributed network of contributors.
Hackathon Underway
The fifth Cosmos Hackatom kicked off last Friday and runs until Friday October 30th. There have already been various workshops during the hackathon and will continue to be designated mentor hours where developers will be available in the Cosmos Hackatom discord channel. There’s a total of $50,000 in prizes in various categories. Keep an eye out for ICF judges Ethan Buchman and Billy Rennekamp.
Chorus One IBC & Wasm
Chorus One finalized a service agreement with the ICF that includes work on augmenting the Cosmos SDK IBC implementation with capabilities via the CosmWasm module. This will allow new light clients to be deployed as WASM bytecode, enabling IBC connection updates without a full network upgrade. Chorus One’s work will help Cosmos chains with asynchronous release cycles coordinate and maintain stable connections as the network of interconnected blockchains grows and continues to evolve.
Stargate, Big Bang & Cosmos SDK Release Candidate
The upcoming Stargate upgrade for the Cosmos Hub has taken another step forward by incorporating the new Cosmos SDK v0.40.0-rc1 release candidate. This upgrade is included in the new Stargate-4 testnet with the following live features: Protobuf, Legacy Amino, IBC, State-Sync and Cosmosvisor. Join the new testnet which contains the same state as the current Cosmos Hub and will follow the same upgrade path from v0.37. If you’re interested in practicing an upgrade path between v0.38 or v0.39 take a look at the newly launched Big Bang testnet.
Bug Bounty Rewards Doubled
In preparation for the Stargate upgrade to the Cosmos Hub the Bug Bounties awarded via the Hacker One account for any vulnerabilities found on our core repositories have been doubled.
Thanks for catching up on our fourth update. We’ll be working on the format to keep it brief but informative. If there are things you’d like to hear more about feel free to reach out to hello@interchain.io or ping us on Twitter at @interchain_io.
See you in 2 weeks!