Game of NFTs — Phase 1 Wrap-Up & Phase 2 Updates

Celebrate Achievements, Tackle New Challenges, and Join the Ongoing Interchain Hackathon!

Interchain Ecosystem Blog


Dear Cosmonauts!

Phase 1 of the Game of NFTs event has come to a successful conclusion! Our journey so far has been nothing short of extraordinary, with 198 teams exploring the vast expanse of 5 testnets, unlocking the potential of Interchain NFTs.

Testnet Achievements 🌟

Throughout the public incentivized testnets, participants diligently completed 29 tasks and tackled 2 challenges, vying for 6 prestigious contribution prizes across 3 stages of the incentivized testnet, pushing the boundaries of Interchain NFTs.

Invaluable discoveries were made as participants identified potential vulnerabilities and bugs before the technology is used in production. Participants made significant contributions by identifying potential vulnerabilities and bugs. Among the issues discovered was a critical vulnerability that could have allowed an attacker to take control of NFTs. This issue has since been fixed and resolved in the implementation.

Another bug related to a recursive loop in the CosmWasm implementation of ICS-721 was also found, potentially causing transactions and transfers to get stuck. In response, 2 relevant challenges were added, inspiring talents to actively propose innovative solutions such as filtered relaying, ts-relayer adaption, governed and controlled packets.

In addition to bug reporting, participants also showcased their ingenuity by developing handy tools and resources like CLI tools, UIs, GUIs, dashboards, explorers, faucets, memes and producing informative videos for Interchain NFTs. The unwavering spirit of innovation is now powering us toward Phase 2: the Interchain Hackathon!

Reward Contributors⚛️

The 20K ATOMs Prize pool, funded by the Cosmos Hub community pool via Prop#94, has been distributed to the courageous cosmonauts of Phase 1. As proposed, the prize pool was divided into two categories: Task Completion and Contribution Awards.

🟢 Task Completion
50% (10,000 ATOMs) was distributed to testnet participants who completed the appointed tasks and scored points🧑‍💻Their achievements have been immortalized on the scoreboard.

The rewards for Task Completion were calculated based on the total points obtained during the testnet, using the formulas below:
• The $ATOM per point = 10,000 ATOMs/points awarded across all participants
• The $ATOM for a certain participant = The $ATOM per point * the total points earned by this participant

🟢 Contribution Awards
50% (10,000 ATOMs) was bestowed upon Contribution Award winners, based on the jury’s discretion 🏆 Let’s celebrate these outstanding achievers!

The Contribution Awards rewards were calculated similarly:
• The $ATOM per point = 10,000 ATOMs/points awarded for all awards
• The $ATOM for a winner = The $ATOM per point * the total points earned by the participant

A heartfelt thank you to all participants for incredible contributions!

Join the New Adventure: Interchain Hackathon!🚀

As we bid farewell to the success of Phase 1, we excitedly set our sights on the ongoing Phase 2: the Interchain Hackathon!

After discussing with sponsors, we would like to update you on an extension to the project submission deadline for the Interchain Hackathon — now set for 10:00 am UTC on 19 June 2023!

As some challenges are somehow complex, particularly the Hub track, we would like to carve out extra time for teams to craft their projects. We encourage teams to seize this opportunity to delve deeper, refine, innovate, and bring forth projects that will have a profound and lasting impact on the Interchain NFTs landscape.

Now, apply your knowledge and talents to build and solve:

🧩 Cosmos Hub Track: Design something leveraging Interchain Security and Interchain NFTs

🧩 IRISnet Track: Build Interchain NFTs dApps, marketplace, supportive toolings on IRISnet, or enable ICS721 between EVM-compatible chains and IRISnet

🧩 Stargaze Track: Create governance adjustable entry incentives and exit tax for NFT transfers, or integrate Stargaze with Gravity Bridge in order to enable NFT transfers from Ethereum.

🧩 OmniFlix Track: Build a dApp (other than a marketplace) that will utilize Interchain NFTs on OmniFlix and a DeFi protocol

🧩 Uptick Track: Create NFT assets and dApps using Uptick’s EVM and ICS721 Interchain NFTs between the Uptick Network testnet and other testnets

This first-of-its-kind Interchain Hackathon boasts prizes totaling around $300,000 USD in sponsors’ tokens and credits and also received significant support and sponsorship from Amazon Web Services (AWS), IDG Capital, and HashKey Capital.

🚀Submit Your Hackathon Projects🚀

Don’t miss out on the chance to make a mark on the future of NFTs! Gather your fellow Cosmonauts and submit your innovative hackathon projects to propel the world of Interchain NFTs into new dimensions.

Onward and upward, to Phase 2 and beyond! 🌌



Built with Cosmos-SDK, IRISHUB enables cross-chain interoperability while providing modules to support distributed business systems.